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Open link in new window.ILUNION Accesibilidad, S.A, subsidiary of the ONCE Foundation, certifies that:

On 29/01/2021 an accessibility audit of Ferrovial Web , www.ferrovial.com, has been carried out.

ILUNION Tecnología y Accesibilidad certificates in 29th January 2021, that Ferrovial website partially meets with level AA of of W3C – WAI - WCAG 2.1 with the following considerations:


  • Occasionally some map-type images do not include an alternative description.
  • Some components used to visually indicate selected elements (selected tabs, selected page in paginations, etc.), when using high contrast, are only visible in Edge (using high contrast in Chrome and Firefox are not visible due to specific characteristics of these components and browsers.
  • Very occasionally, some content overlaps when the text size increases to 200%.
  • There is video content that does not include alternatives for audio content (subtitles) and video content (transcriptions and audio descriptions).
  • There are also digital documents in Excel and PDF format that do not incorporate accessibility features.
  • Regarding these video content and digital documents, Ferrovial commits to providing information as requested by users through the communication channels established for this purpose in its Accessibility page.

ONCE Foundation logo

Seal that certifies compliance with the WCAG 2.1 - AA level of accessibility provided by ILUNION Accesibilidad.


  • Consulting entity: ILUNION Accesibilidad S.A.
  • Requesting entity: Ferrovial S.A.
  • Web : www.ferrovial.com
  • Evaluation criteria: Doble A-WCAG 2.1
  • Declaration date: 29/01/2021